GOODNESS ME! You made it to the Grand Finale. INCREDIBLE. Thank you.


The journey of a totally independent artist is one that’s not always for the faint of heart, and it is ONLY thanks to the support of fans like you that keeping the dream alive is possible.

So from the bottom of my heart, you still being here means literally everything to me.

As a reminder, this artwork is from my solo album that I am so proud and grateful to have created and released into the wild.

Sure, it got some accolades, and some radio play. But more importantly, it connected with some humans who really appreciated it. Folks who reach out to me weekly that have just discovered or revisited it.

This is crazy to me.

The power of art, man!

Now, full disclosure, I did make that classic… miscalculation of pressing more vinyl than my fanbase at the time was prepared to consume upon release. So… I’ve got more than a few that would look better spinning on your turntable than catchin zzz’s in my storage.

Let’s put this VINYL to work in the way that the Rock n’ Roll Gods intended.

Click in the affirmative below, and I’ll send you a signed Shot In The Dark VINYL for $22